Post-M&A Advice

Since 1980 I had the opportunity to be a partner in firms, which at that time were leading in corporate law and post-M&A transactions. Thus I had ample opportunity to witness commercial and organisational success as well as the opposite.

All these incidents convinced me that resilient leadership and continuous, dominant coordination are indispensable for transactional success. But even where leadership may be excellent, negotiators and party representatives get worn-out, become tired and tend to make mistakes. Nervous endeavours for achieving a deal at “whatever cost“, quite often will result in doubtful, unreliable or even inconsistent contracts. In the very end the parties feel tempted to try their luck in legal disputes. There they will discover to their great disappointment, how little their documentation works in their favour:

Even benevolent judges or arbitrators will have problems in fully grasping the parties‘ original intentions. Lawyers like me, who have participated in the genesis of quite a number of  hasty compromises and last minute changes to complex documents, very likely will have an easier understanding for the origination of transactional documents.

That is why I believe that post-M&A work requires qualified advocacy and transactional experience. Not only must counsel be able to read “between“ the lines, but also to plausibly interprete typical misunderstandings and sub-optimal, but at the time of their occurrence, proven auditing standards or then highly regarded concepts for transactions.

I am confident to offer such combination of procedural and transactional experience. In addition, I have gathered considerable experience in guiding business experts and analysts in their work for their expert reports to courts and for parties in arbitration.
I am convinced that I will meet your needs in any situation after a disappointing M&A transaction, be it for enforcing any of your claims or be it for fighting them off.