The following are a choice of publications from recent years, which may indicate areas of legal interest, important for me at the time of publishing. For some of those books I was the sole author, others I wrote in collaboration and as a co-author with colleagues.

1. Books

“Directors’ Liability, A Worldwide Review”
(Author and editor), Wolters Kluwer International, 1st ed. 2006, 2nd ed. 2010 and 3rd ed. 2016 (ISBN 978-90-411-5835-2) containing a detailed description and analysis of legislation, case law and tendencies for the further development of D&O liability in 49 national jurisdictions by 83 authors;

“Retarded Legislation Slowing Down Privatisation” in “Mergers & Acqusitions” Yearbook 2008,
(Co-Author with Dr. Thorsten Volz) , edited by Kai Lucks, Financial Gates GmbH, Leipzig (ISBN-13:978-3-89981-870-3)

“Hedging against Non-performance in M&A – Escrows, Legal Opinions etc” in “Mergers & Acquisitions in Germany”
(Author), edited by Dr. Christoph Louven, German Law Publications, Stuttgart 2011 (ISBN 978-3-941389-09-0);
a brief evaluation of some efficient and some less promising approaches to protect claim positions under M&A contracts.

“Disputes in German Cooperatives” (p. 1047 to 1074) and “Disputes in a German Verein” (p. 1075 to 1095)
(Author), in Handbook of Corporate Disputes, 1st (2012) and 2nd ed. (2015), editeded by Dr. Kim Mehrbrey with Wolters Kluwer, Cologne (ISBN 978-3-452-28270-5)
containing a comprehensive description of procedural issues in corporate litigation against or within cooperatives and Vereine;

“Large Public-Private Projects in Germany – An Analysis of Success Stories”
(Author) Heidelberger Kolloquium Technologie und Recht, edited by Fritz Nicklisch, C.H. Beck-Verlag, Munich 2004, p. 47 seq.; an analysis of factors which seem to stabilize PPP-Projects for more than 10 years.

2. Essays and Articles

“La Contractacion Electronica (con proveedores bajo la legislacion alemana)”
(Author), in Derecho de la Alta Technologia, Argentine 1999, no. 131, p. 2 seq.; a short description of Germany’s legislation on electronic contracting.

“Current Reforms in International Institutional Arbitration”
(Co-Author) in Loos/Baur/Pörnbacher, Betriebsberater 2011, p.711 seq.;

„When Agreements to Mediate Prevent Requests for Arbitration”
(Co-Author): Loos/Brewitz, SchiedsVZ 2012, 305 seq. Some remarks about the beneficial and the less expected effects of agreed mediation, where the institution of arbitral proceedings is urgent.

“Criminal Embezzlement by Corporate Executives and its Asymetric Dependence on Liability”
(Author) a commemorative contribution to “Festschrift für Jürgen Wessing”, C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich, 2015;

“When Contracts Require Notarisation of Arbitration Rules”
(Author) a commemorative contribution to “Festschrift für Siegfried H. Elsing”, Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft, Frankfurt/M. (ISBN: 978-3-8005-1602-5). Agreements to arbitrate and referenced arbitration rules may require notarisation as part of a corporation’s articles of association if they shall be binding for new shareholders;